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UNITIexpo: eurodata – the turbo for the digital filling station business
As in recent years, the eurodata Group was represented again at UNITIexpo with a broad portfolio of solutions for the filling station business. Among other things, this year’s appearance focused on the expansion of eurodata France on the African market, where eurodata already has a strong presence, and the activities of eurodata Austria…
eurodata: a modern employer and trendsetter
Employees who get on so well that they even go for fundraising and other activities together in their free time are certainly not a thing to be taken for granted these days. Yet at the Saarbrücken software manufacturer eurodata this kind of positive work climate is a daily feature. What’s…
eurodata signs ‘diversity charta’ to promote diversity in enterprises
The diversity charta is Germany’s largest initiative for the promotion of diversity in enterprises and institutions. The organisation was founded jointly by enterprises and policy-makers in 2006 and has set itself the task of ensuring a work environment which is free of prejudice, in which age, nationality, gender, philosophy of life, physical and…
Campus fair next at Saarland University: eurodata presents itself as an employer
In accordance with the way eurodata understands its policy of making contact with the upcoming generation at an early stage, the company will be represented again this year at Saarland University’s campus fair on 13 June. On the eurodata stand, the focus will not only be on entry-level career opportunities in software…
kununu ranking: eurodata up among Germany’s top employers
Each year, kununu awards the ‘Top Company Seal’ to all the companies that have an average score of at least 3.8 stars – assessed by their own employees. Not only does the score need to be 3.8 stars or better; it doesn’t count if it dates back more than one…
eurodata Austria & Kodap were at the filling station congress in Prague together
For three years now, the petroleum industry and the filling station sector have been in stormy waters: they have been having to adjust to a market altered by the pandemic, the war and the change in mobility. All these issues were addressed at the Čerpačka Congress, held in Prague on 19 April 2023. Together…
eurodata wishes everyone a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year in 2023
Once again, there’s an eventful year behind us, and it’s been one that cost us all a good deal of strength and stamina. So we’ve certainly deserved the breather we’re going to get during the holidays towards the end of the year. Rebuild your strength in the circle of your…